No guild page available
Total honour 358.215
Ranking 1525
Members 3 / 9 Members
Level Ø 28
Fortune 63.453

Guild description

Welcome to our Brotherhood

If you want to join us, just send a request ; )

As the guild needs to grow, we require from our members to pay daily cash in accordance with following list:

1) 0-10 Lvl - 1000
2) 11-15 lvl - 2000
3) 16-20 lvl - 3000
4) 21-25 lvl - 3500
5) 26-30 lvl - 4000


Newbie - Each member gets this rank for first 7 days of being here.

Mate - Common rank here.

Homie - This rank is for people who are members for longer time.

Bro - Officer of the Guild.

Enjoy your time here!